During the 12th Century, the third Earl of Northumbria was Robert DeMowbray, two previous Earls had died violently. He resided in Bamburgh Castle under the rule of King William II. A plot was developed to get rid of King William II also known as William Rufus, and replace him with Stephen of Aumale, his cousin....Read More
This blog is based on one of my youtube episodes which you can watch here: Bamburgh Castle, Anglo Saxons and Lord of the Rings, I’ll take you through the structure of Bamburgh Castle, what it might have looked like as a capital city and a fortress during the Anglo-Saxon period. The first location of note...Read More
In this blog, we explore the story of Oswald and his blessed arm. The story starts at the Chapel of St Peter which would have been the Chapel where Bamburgh’s Anglo-Saxons worshipped during the Anglo-Saxon period. The chapel of St Peter St. Peters Chapel Bamburgh The chapel of St Peter, which can be seen in...Read More
This blog is situated at the Church of St Aidan in Bamburgh village, just up the road from the famous castle. St. Aiden’s Bamburgh But the reason why Bamburgh is so important to Northumbrian history is not just about the castle. While the castle is of huge importance, that importance would be lesser if it...Read More
In this week’s blog, I’m recounting when I was at St Aidan’s Church in the village of Bamburgh. I chated with Jessica, project manager of The Bamburgh Bones about the project which brings the Anglo-Saxon history of Northumbria alive. Bamburgh Castle Northumbria was a kingdom founded in the 6th and 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon...Read More
In this blog, we’ll be talking about the Dark Ages – or, as they should be known, the early Middle Ages. Misinformation about the Dark Ages The Dark Ages were a really interesting period of time. Many of the history books written about this time were very poorly written because, at the end of Roman...Read More
Bamburgh Castle, on the North East coast of England, has an amazing history dating right back to the stone age and up to the modern day. This new blog series will explore the castle, its history, its surroundings and the many adventures that have taken place within its glorious walls. In days gone by, Bamburgh...Read More
Beside the Black Gate of Newcastle’s Castle is the site of a particularly nasty ruin with a chequered history. Today we’re looking at the Heron Pit – one of the first prisons in Newcastle. Newcastle’s first prison In stark contrast to modern-day prisons, the Heron Pit didn’t have any doors. It would originally have had...Read More
Newcastle Castle’s Black Gate is the entrance to the Castle. Unlike the Black Gate from the Lord of the Rings, the gate is not named after all the dark and evil deeds that took place there. In fact it has a much more straightforward reason behind its name. In this blog, we take a closer...Read More